Quotes that Say Something

"Please, dad, get down and look. I think there's some kind of monster under my bed."

Life when seen in close-up often seems tragic, but in wide-angle it often seems comic. -- Charlie Chaplin

"And when the cloudbursts thunder in your ear, you shout, but no one's there to hear. And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes, I'll see you on the dark side of the moon." -- Roger Waters, "Brain Damage"

Jun 28, 2013

SCOTUS Take Note -- No Lie Can Live Forever

       SCOTUS Judges: 

       Your abominable and ridiculous ruling on the Voting Rights Act will not prevail for long.

Today I want to tell the city of Selma, the state of Alabama, and the people of America, and the nations of the world, that we are not about to turn around. We are on the move now. Yes, we are on the move and no wave of racism can stop us. We are on the move now. , , , , Like an idea whose time has come, not even armies can halt us. We are moving to the land of freedom and realization of the American dream. 

Let us march on ballot boxes --

. . . until the salient misdeeds of bloodthirsty mobs will be transformed into the good deeds of orderly citizens.
. . . until the Wallaces of our nation tremble away in silence.
. . . until we send to our city councils, state legislatures, and the United States Congress, ones who will do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.
. . . until brotherhood becomes the order of the day on every legislative agenda.
. . . until all God’s children will be able to walk the earth in decency and honor.

However difficult the moment, however frustrating the hour, it will not be long, because "truth crushed to earth will rise again." How long? Not long, because "no lie can live forever." How long? Not long, because "you shall reap what you sow." How long? (How long?) Not long

     And, behind the dim unknown
     Standeth God within the shadow,
     Keeping watch above his own.

How long? Not long, because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.

                                                                                       --  Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
                                                                                             Montgomery, Alabama
                                                                                             25 March 1965

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