Quotes that Say Something

"Please, dad, get down and look. I think there's some kind of monster under my bed."

Life when seen in close-up often seems tragic, but in wide-angle it often seems comic. -- Charlie Chaplin

"And when the cloudbursts thunder in your ear, you shout, but no one's there to hear. And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes, I'll see you on the dark side of the moon." -- Roger Waters, "Brain Damage"

Sep 17, 2010

Some Think the 31st Year is the Hardest

I know that J.J. was just trying to kid me, on the phone, on that clear 9-15-10 morning. He said that the 31st year is the hardest. Still, as it turns out, he is probably going to be right. Asshole.  8-))

Those birthdays with zeroes on the end, man, there's something magical about them.
                                                                                                 -- Travis McGee

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