Quotes that Say Something

"Please, dad, get down and look. I think there's some kind of monster under my bed."

Life when seen in close-up often seems tragic, but in wide-angle it often seems comic. -- Charlie Chaplin

"And when the cloudbursts thunder in your ear, you shout, but no one's there to hear. And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes, I'll see you on the dark side of the moon." -- Roger Waters, "Brain Damage"

Jun 10, 2013

Adult Americans Value What?

      Which of these do you value more: economic/material well-being or finding happiness within?
      The Futures Company of American Express has studied this. They say:
       Since the 1980s, America has shifted from a culture that primarily judges success based on wealth to a society that now places greater weight on less-tangible measures like life experiences and happiness . . . . our research shows a substantial decrease in the number of people who believe money is the measure of success, and a substantial increase in those who view their life satisfaction as a sign of success.

      On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being no way and 10 as hell yes, what's your opinion of such comments?

      The Company also reported the following --
      Values that lead to life fulfillment
1.      Good health (85 percent)
2.      Finding time for important things (83 percent)
3.      Good marriage/relationship (81 percent)
4.      Spend money well (81 percent)
5.      Balancing work & personal life (79 percent)
6.      A job that you like/love (75 percent)
7.      Pursuit of one's passions and interests (69 percent)
8.      Physical fitness (66 percent)
9.      New experiences & change (65 percent)
10.    Learning and doing new things (65 percent)

      Big "Bucket List” activities for American adults?
1.       Travel (88%)
2.      Having kids (76%)
3.      Pursuing passions and interest via a hobby or career (75%)
4.      Making things with one's hands (70%)
5.      Volunteering for causes one believes in (70%)        


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