Quotes that Say Something

"Please, dad, get down and look. I think there's some kind of monster under my bed."

Life when seen in close-up often seems tragic, but in wide-angle it often seems comic. -- Charlie Chaplin

"And when the cloudbursts thunder in your ear, you shout, but no one's there to hear. And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes, I'll see you on the dark side of the moon." -- Roger Waters, "Brain Damage"

Aug 28, 2012

A Man Named Isaac @ the Door

There's a deja vu-dripping party cranking up in the boot tip of Louisiana.

"Hey there, Buras LA. My name is Isaac. Katrina told me all about you. She's not coming back. But the mischievous girl has sent me to play. Game on!"

(Buras LA is grimly known as the location where, on August 29, 2005, the eye of the Hurricane named Katrina made first landfall in Louisiana. The loss of surrounding marsh lands to erosion and subsidence allowed Hurricane Katrina's storm surge to undermine the New Orleans area levee system and the overall area was devastated.)

Wonder if Mr. Isaac will prove to be a kinder, less ravaging, and more polite guest than her Russian highness, Katrina, was. He's knocking at the door now!

Katrina Crashed into Buras LA in the Dark on August 29, 2005

Storm Tracking for Hurricane Isaac on Tuesday, August 28 (2012)

Back in December 2010, while I was working for a few days in New Orleans, I wrote an early Monster Blog entry. It was titled "New Orleans Journal: Lessons Learned in the Third World."

Today, I have updated it here (weblink below). I would like it very much if you took a few minutes with it, then let me know what you think.  May everyone in the stormy upswing of Isaac be held safe.


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