Quotes that Say Something

"Please, dad, get down and look. I think there's some kind of monster under my bed."

Life when seen in close-up often seems tragic, but in wide-angle it often seems comic. -- Charlie Chaplin

"And when the cloudbursts thunder in your ear, you shout, but no one's there to hear. And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes, I'll see you on the dark side of the moon." -- Roger Waters, "Brain Damage"

Jun 25, 2011

Intuition -- It's What's in Store

The word for reflection today is: Intuition.

Intuition the gift. 'It's what's in store.' Unbidden. --  Epistemology in its most singular and mysterious.

So sugary is it 2 hear (that @ 1 time) you were the best-ever, the top, the best -- a peak in a chosen field. But: all dreams and lifeskills inevitably erode. Recede with age and experience. Leave us most in need: to see and accept a nagging intuition, awful, deep.

That would be: that the time has come. The clock has struck 11, perhaps 12. The awful call 2 step away has been inexorably delivered: life, & profession moves on, far beyond the temptations 2 anxiously, desperately, cling.

And how? With the passing margins of the pages, and in the summary notes, a dimming yesteryear is a story that has been written, has already drifted away, out pnto the o[en and rolling seas forever. (And here I take a moment 2 ponder the once-stellar athleticism of one man of steel-will named Peter Rose, or the iron-jawed Johnny Bench, the once magical Willie Mays, and like Brett Favre, and of course Joe Willie. Each greeted the hard lesson of intution, and time passing, but only dimly, until it was too late, lacking completely in the simple grace of acceptance).

Intuition. An understated and inexplicable high. One struggles 2 explain it. But: sometimes, you know?, you just know ---->


Jun 23, 2011

Disaster Tourism: Aching for That Lingering Look

A mighty weather front brought the clatter and roar of Summer tornadoes, with rushes of flooding rains riding on their swishing tails, into sweaty humid metro Louisville -- and thus to our vulnerable neighborhood -- in the mystic duskiness of last evening. It launched massive, silvery, madly-spinning harpoons, glinting and slanting savagely, this way then that way, right past our Cherry Springs. Too close, way too close, for any restfulness --

In the awful wreckage of New Orleans, after Hurricane Katrina, for the rest of 2005, we often sadly referred to a daily sight with the odd name: 'disaster tourism.'

It looks like: SUVs full of people arrived from elsewhere. Snail's-pace drive by's. Necks craned at very odd angles -- little black and red smartphones shooting brilliant white flashes. Aching hunger to see -- for a little while -- what the charging weather bombs hath wrought. Staring blankly, jaws slack and distended slightly, at the ruins that once constituted some poor souls' homefront and livelihood. Curious. Hopeful the pictures will be good. And: Predatory. Words spoken in hushed tones, as if at a funeral. Japanese motorcar engines purring softly along the debris-laden, breezeless streets. Lacking, all ways, in human care and compassion.

Yes, the touchdowns, then stark and shattered aftermaths, of power storms -- Mother Nature in vivid, 3-D stop action -- seem to (predictably) spur a horrific thing inside otherwise 'normal' people . . .  Truth: I have beheld it again today . . . . Edgar Derby plaintively said:  And so it goes.

Jun 22, 2011

Resolve: It's a Hard Thing

No time to fallter. Press the button labeled shock doctrine. Keep a fiirm and steady hand, all the way! Then, as those all about dissolve, and look pitiful and quiver-y, both inside and out: observe.

A thin drip of glimmering red slides bloodily down, so whispery light , so truly crimson, from the promising mark that has been made, a piercing into the vulnerable skin..

And this, yes this, is what it feels like . . . a stinging pain that cuts, and burns, and lingers with inevitability. Then strain, all, to seeresolve, what it brings: slim hints of sun rays lighting up the east.
